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FTZ Fund awarded as the Capital Empowerment Partner of Pudong GOI plan


On 29th July, 2021, the Pudong New Area government released its Group Open Innovation (GOI) plan. The plan is part of its efforts to accomplish the mission assigned by the central government to turn Pudong into a pioneering force in the socialist modernization of China and have the area become a key engine in self-reliant innovation. The innovation arms of 20 companies, including Johnson & Johnson's JLabs in Shanghai, Microsoft's artificial intelligence and internet of things lab and the IBM Watson Build Innovation Center, were among the first to join the GOI plan. 30 companies were awarded the certificates of partners in the field of technology empowerment, credit and loan empowerment, and capital empowerment respectively. Shanghai FTZ Fund was awarded the Capital Empowerment Partner, along with other 9 companies including Sequoia Capital, Hillhouse Capital, SBCVC, SHSTVC, SPK, etc.